Sunday, June 5, 2011

Quirks and Underware

Sometimes I think we're all a little bit crazy.  At the very least, we all have our quirks.  I used to have to go to the door knob and touch it about five times to make sure it was locked.  I got over that, but still double checked it, without actually touching it.  That's not neurotic, it's sensible--expecially since I found it unlocked one time.  Now, of course, I live in a hotel, and the door usually locks behind me.  That's fine, except when it does lock and I've run out without my key card.

My sister Heather is fairly normal.  I say fairly because she's extra tidy and lines up her vitamins alphabetically, like they do in drug stores.  I looked in her dresser once.  All her bras and undies were folded neatly and lined up by color.  Can you believe that?  The insides of my dresser dawers are a mess.  But outside, everything usually looks good.  Kind of like how I am in real life:  Put together on the outside.  Messed up on the inside. 

So, does our underware tell stories about us?

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